Quality materials allow you to create beautiful work, give the master comfort in work and the opportunity to stand out among others at the expense of premium products
How It Works
Choose the materials
choose type of delivery
Choose a convenient delivery option
Pay for your order and enter all your details
Choose for yourself a convenient payment format Paypal or Stripe
Confirmation of order with manager
After full registration and payment of the order our manager will contact you to confirm the details of the order
Receive dispatch data after the delivery has been processed
Once the assistant has dispatched your order, we will send you a tracking code to track your order
Add type of delivery to your list. Spell out the address in full at checkout. After payment is made, you will be contacted by our manager as soon as possible to confirm all order details
We are always looking to make friends with our customers, email us with any questions on Whatsapp
Phone: +971 52 555 5191
E-mail: lotus.lashschool@gmail.com